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Teletubbies Hill
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Teletubbies Hill

Nusa Penida has the unique hill. That hill is named Bukit Teletubbies Hill. That name is given because the curves and bumps of hilly land that resembled small mountains with green grass views here looked like in the Teletubbies film which was popular in the 2000s.

It is covered in soil with a thickness of about 50 cm. That why the land here is overgrown with grass which gives a green feel. When viewed from a distance this hill is exactly like the Teletubbies’s House.
Before this popular name was pinned, this green hill is called the Gamal Tree Hill by the local people. So named because of the many Gamal Trees that are commonly used by local people as animal feed.

Hunting Amazing Photos on Teletubbies Hill

The beautiful view of the green grass on the Teletubbies Hill seems also favored by couples who will get married, so the location is often used as a place for prewedding photos. Indeed the beauty here looks very beautiful, especially in camera eyes. No wonder if the prewedding photos taken here will seem natural romantic.

On the mounds of hills, there will be a view of dweller’s houses that look small from a distance. Also the view of the blue ocean looks be more beautiful with a green background of Teletubbies Hill.

The natural environment that is still natural can make you become more fresh and comfortable. The air here is also still clean so it is more healthy for the body because it gets enough oxygen.

The existence of this Hill was initially not noticed by the local community. Because this place is only used as a place to get their animal feed.

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